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Former SAA pilot wins lawsuit for defamation

Former South African Airways (SAA) pilot and former SAA Pilots’ Association chairman John Harty has won R450 000 ($33,000) in damages plus interest for defamation in the Gauteng High Court against the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) and two of its officials. ( 기타...

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Glad that justice was done. Nothing but a dirty tricks campaign because he had the courage to call out the idiots busy ruining what was once a great airline.
This is what happens in SAA when pilots passed a vote of no confidence in the SAA chairwoman Dudu Myeni and directors for problems of poor governance. (A common occurrence in SA SOEs)

On the pretext of Trade Union allegations, the elite crime fighting unit, famous for deployment to discredit / undermine ANC opponents, started an investigation into the unions allocations.

Its a petty that a once proud and respected airline, which pioneered challenging routs, has been reduced to a shadow of its former glory. Hopefully, the callsign "Springbok will survive.
good for him


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