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Is This for Real? Etihad and Lufthansa in Merger Talks

News from an Italian paper that Etihad is about to buy a 30-40% stake in Lufthansa - and even possibly merge into one airline. ( 기타...

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My guess is they can't get into the US market as much as they would like so they buy up interests in Alitalia and Lufthansa......who is next?
Smoke is rising
Beware of a fire

Lufthansa and Etihad in merger talks, says report

Sems that same Italian source is keen to start the grapevine.
Or what ?
IF THEY JOIN STAR ALLIENCE then OK - but it's still the end of the world
Really????!!!!!! well...definetlly we are facing the end of the world.........what´s next???


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