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Why business class is booming for Kiwis

There's a surge in the number of Kiwi travellers turning left as they get on the plane. Travel agents and airlines say demand for business class is booming as fares come down, the range of products expands and the New Zealand economy remains buoyant. Patronage at Auckland Airport's premium lounge has grown 10-fold in the past four years. Flight Centre's general manager of product, Sean Berenson, said that throughout 2016, the number of Kiwis booking business class had increased… ( 기타...

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I't because to get to places like France or Italy or america you have to spend 16 plus hours in cattle class. spending mega on tours and excursions add an extra $2k to the budget next time I go that little extra is worth it.
I flew from NZAA/KLAX for $299.00 business class what a treat and trip


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