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Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama’s travel spending in 1 year

Donald Trump’s travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president, putting the president on pace in his first year of office to surpass former President Barack Obama’s spending on travel for his entire eight years. The outsized spending on travel stands in stark relief to Trump’s calls for belt tightening across the federal government and the fact that he regularly criticized Obama for costing the American taxpayer money every time he… ( 기타...

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It appears to be very expensive does he really have to use AF1 is there not a smaller plane or helicopter that can be used for this purpose ? At least it will keep the nae Sayers from bitching all the time !
Good point, does he really have to bring one maybe 2 (I think they only bring the backup 2nd one for international trips) massive 747 just for himself, there's smaller aircraft out there.
Fake, pure propaganda.
It sure looks like an abuse of power and other people's money to me. He goes to Mar a Lago because he likes it there, not because it is necessary. Everything done there could have been accomplished just as well and a LOT less expensively at the White House.
Please NOTE!!! This is my opinion and I would like to respected for it as I will respect yours. Yelling at me for my opinion is immature on your part

This is where I think they need to change the budget for president transportation and security. Security and transportation should only be provided if he's traveling for official United States business on behalf of the American people.
It would be a good idea, but the devil would be in the details. Who would be the arbiter of what is official business? Most federal vehicles have a 'for official use only' tag which is no guarantee of compliance.
That's the hard part, figuring out what is classified as offical business
Flying to Mar-a-lago to meet with the Japanese Prime Minister and the Chinese President is not quite the same as flying to Hawaii for a 17 day vacation.
joel wiley -1
Neither is flying to Mar-a-lago nearly every weekend.
There is a difference when you are hosting foreign leaders. These are not vacation trips. Comparing Obama's vacation and frequent golf trips to this is ridiculous.
How many trips, and among them how many hosted foreign leaders? I agree that Mr. Trump's many trips are not vacations. They are called weekends which just happen to include a VC-25, Secret Service and a cast of hundreds.

'Ridiculous' is appropriate in so many ways.
He's required as President to use AF1 and have secret service protection when he travels. Nothing new here. plus he's working most of the time. Obama came under scrutiny for his frequent golf trips, long vacations in Hawaii etc and his family's overseas trips to Europe, Africa and Asia which were not official visits.
Imagine if Obama used his own private resort to host these things putting money in his pocket. There would be 50 investigations.
Both leaders stayed at Mar-a-lago as guests while their delegations stayed elsewhere. How did the President or the Trump family gain financially from this?
Mar-a-lago is a for-profit enterprise. Did the leaders stay gratis? If not who paid?
The net profit goes into the Trump coffers. That is how they did, do, and will gain financially.
joel wiley -1
"Belt tightening" in an organization is usually a bottom-up implementation that withers at it goes up the org chart. Not news.


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