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747 Transforms Into Air Force One Replica

A 747 that has been parked at Quonset State Airport in Rhode Island for a couple of years now is being transformed into a replica of Air Force One, according to a local news station. ( 기타...

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Very interesting... They did not say if they were going to make it a Flying Museum or just one that is static.... Would be great to take it to different cities and let people go through it!
People who are displeased with whomever is the President at the time they visit are welcome to toss eggs at the aircraft. ;-)
Displacing the entire tied down GA fleet to a different and anything but convenient part of the ramp. :-( But they are paying their bills and it is more than the GA fleet were paying for the space.
Seems like a waste of money to me.
At least it's private money ... not yours nor mine.
acmi 1 we know what happened to yet another of the abandoned EZ fleet


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