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NASA Uploads Hundreds of Rare Aircraft Films to YouTube

NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center is currently in the process of uploading hundreds of extremely rare films to YouTube. The center has uploaded roughly 300 of the planned 500 films that it will continue to put up over the coming months. They have everything from 1950s experimental aircraft like the X-3 Stiletto to 1960s Lunar Landing Research Vehicle tests to videos of the time that they intentionally crashed a Boeing 720 in 1984. ( 기타...

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All the single engine jet fighters have a similar engine failure landing. If I lost the engine, I glided to "high Key" over the landing airport. This was done with no guidance. AT 10,000 feet, we lowered the gear, and began a 1o,000 fpm, 180 degree turning descent to landing. The shuttle is guided and watched from the ground The shuttle is a glider when entering the atmosphere. Everything is planned and monitored. No big deal.
just watched a very interesting "how to land the shuttle from space" video. FL37 to landing in just about 3 and a half minutes... descending about 10,000 ft/min. WOW.
30west 0
I assume you mean FL370.


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