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Runway Safety Improvements Finished At LAX

LOS ANGELES ( — All four runways at Los Angeles International Airport are operating at full strength following completion of mandatory safety improvements, an airport official said Monday. Congress required all of the nation’s airports to undertake Runway Safety Area (RSA) improvements to provide an extra buffer zone if an aircraft overshoots, overruns or veers off a runway. ( 기타...

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The link is not about the runway improvements.
Sopps 1
It is, but the video is about some bridge.
I think the work requires testing.

Send Harrison Ford. If he puts it down on the runway, it's good to go for everyone else.
Here is the entire Article - the video is about the road closure and light rail not the runway

All four runways at Los Angeles International Airport are operating at full strength following completion of mandatory safety improvements, an airport official said Monday.

Congress required all of the nation’s airports to undertake Runway Safety Area (RSA) improvements to provide an extra buffer zone if an aircraft overshoots, overruns or veers off a runway.

“After more than two years of work, Los Angeles International Airport is proud to announce that we have finished the fourth and final Runway Safety Area project, which creates additional safeguards for all of our passengers and ensures that the planes of today — and the future — will have the space to take off and land safely and within Federal Aviation Administration guidelines,” said Keith Wilschetz, deputy executive director of operations and emergency management at Los Angeles World Airports.

The RSA improvements at LAX began in March 2015, and were phased in so as to limit impact to operations.


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