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Plane makes emergency landing after freak collision with Eagle and Rabbit strike at once

A plane was forced to make an emergency landing after it hit not just an eagle, but an eagle carrying a rabbit shortly after take off. Virgin Australia Flight VA-319 was departing Melbourne for Brisbane when it reported “excessive vibration” in its left engine and decided to return to the airport. The crew told air traffic controllers as it levelled off at 5,000 feet that the Boeing 737’s number one engine had struck both an eagle, and the rabbit clutched in its claws. ( 기타...

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CASA should regulate that eagles AND rabbits should now be transponder equipped!!!
This has all the hallmarks of an urban legend - except that it is true

Poor old Eagle - missed out on dinner
That is one unlucky rabbit...did they find his foot?
My guess is that Virgin Australia flight found it and used it in the same breath.
I guess that puts paid to the saying "“Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.” - or in this case, rabbits.


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