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It Took Decades to Solve This UN Plane Crash Mystery

Over a half century after the crash of UN DC-6 on September 18, 1961, a new investigation is launched. It would finally put to rest the mystery of a crash that claimed the life of UN Secretary General, Dag Hammarskjold. ( 기타...

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glang3 1
A question: Had the hill never been published or was it left off during that publication cycle?
My understanding is that it was never published... The final episode this season of AirCrash investigation covered it pretty well. If you have not seen it, I would highly recommend it.
glang3 1
Interesting. Thanks very much.
It is amazing that Controlled flight into terrain is so common that it has it own acronym... CFIT. Sad!
The investigation shows they flew into terrain. Humm... Why would it take so long to figure this out? Unless that's what they want you to think.
most plane crashes end by flying into terrain...
Maybe I should have said "controlled flight"


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