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Photos: Air NZ’s damaged B787 engine

Photos of one of Air New Zealand's Boeing 787 Dreamliner engines which failed this week in-flight show damage to multiple turbine blades, at the rear, suggesting a part broke off and travelled through the engine. ( 기타...

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Old News. MH370 must be trying to smirch Boeing's good name. Why?? Airbus connection?
RiSK 1
"Last updated 15:22, December 8 2017"
this was not reported because there are more than just a few similar instances lately . although boeing and the engine manufacturer know about these things. The prematurely malfunctions in engines have removed the letters ETOPS from the really great marketing factors for 787 salesman, and i would like to be a fly on the wall when the boards of aircraft leasing companies get together.
Funny that the press isn't all over this. OH!! Wait, there were no injuries or loss of life!!
I certainly saw a lot of reporting on this in the mainstream media - when this happened 5 months ago with frequent updates ever since.


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