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Delta's first A220 scheduled to begin service in early 2019

Delta Air Lines' first Airbus A220-100 took off on its first flight from Mirabel airport, Québec. The aircraft was crewed by A220 program test pilots. During the three-hour flight, the crew checked the aircraft's main systems and landed back in Mirabel. ( 기타...

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Delta started selling tickets on10/13/18 for the firs A220 flight scheduled for 01/31/19. I believe New York to Boston. Not sure if LGA or JFK.
Cansojr 2
It takes a lot of time and energy to introduce a new aircraft and the necessary training of the AME's, ground handlers. Everybody has to be up to speed, even the pilots must fly this new aircraft in a simulator before they bring a new aircraft and pilots who will fly this beauty into their fleet. Still it takes time for safety issues. Delta will learn everything about the new 220's before a passenger carrying revenue flight must be prepared very carefully, hence the lag time to until introduction.
little confused why this a220 will not fly revenue trips until early 2019. ;


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