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China to launch new stealth bombers able to fire missiles at US

CHINA has announced its latest major military development, disclosing that its new-generation stealth bomber Hong-20 will finally take to the skies, as tensions between Beijing and the US reach a dangerous new level. ( 기타...

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I think that China can sabre rattle all they want with new hardware to impress their neighbors in Taiwan, Manila, and Hanoi but the fact remains that the US and China hated each other through the fifties and sixties. In the seventies our boy Henry went to Beijing to speak nicely with Ch. Mao. Pres. Nixon then went to China, drank Moutai and toured the Great wall with the Chairman.

Enemies then became friends without firing a single shot. I am sure that Xi and Trump are respectful of that legacy. Without that respect the Chinese war ship that sailed within yards of a US ship would have joined the Spanish Armada.

I am pretty sure the Hong 20 which was made using espionage and stealing chips off the machine shop floor to steal the alloys used in stealth bombers will not be as invisible as they think.

The Cuban blockade has not seemed to phase the government of Cuba, but has hurt the residents of the island.

A blockade over the nine dashed-lines in the South China Sea, could certainly cause pain to the people, but the CCP would remain in power.


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