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Drunk Passenger Hit in the Pocketbook

I have no sympathy for this person's behaviour, however is there not a paradox of having no tolerance for intoxication, while at the same time making alcohol easily available in airports and on planes? ( 기타...

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I don’t know about banning booze at airports or on flights but why don’t they open up Pot Shops at Airports, in Canada. Since it’s legal in our fair land now it would definitely help mellow folks out before flying. A lot less “drunken episodes” would happen if folks took to a toke or two instead of belting back the Johnny Walker before getting airborne.
So you want it made hard to get for all because of the actions of a (very) few? I guess that means that people who behave badly when sober on a plane should result in no one being allowed to fly?
Obviously, I doubt that airlines will require sobriety tests at the gate for all passengers.

But Sinusloon, there are already a lot of laws on the books that the behavior of a few have resulted in (drunk driving being one of them). I guess it is part and parcel of a so-called modern morality.
Apples and oranges. Your second argument does not support your first. The drunk driving laws don't stop you driving and don't stop you drinking, just both together. Your objection to alcohol being easily available in airports would affect the vast majority who don't disrupt flights. There are laws on the books about over-serving, about interfering with a flight, etc. Banning alcohol from airports or making it hard to get is an extra level of "protection" that isn't needed.
Cansojr -2
Modern morality is just a lame excuse as our society continues its downward trend into mindless relativity that gave us your OK and I'm OK. There no longer any absolutes regaining appropriate behaviour I am afraid is a dead loss. So lets all get stupid and have another drink, joint, or pills. Because this behaviour is suddenly acceptable. Want to smoke pot, come to CANADA the idiots just legalized it.
At least you took your own advice about getting stupid, so good on you for not being a hypocrite in that way.
Fortunately, you're not in charge and you can't dictate to everyone else that they have to think and act like you do. (And for the record I do not now, I never have, and I never will smoke pot.)


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