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Protégez-Vous magazine’s best airlines ranking – Air Transat: best Canadian carrier

MONTREAL, Feb. 20, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ – Air Transat, named World’s Best Leisure Airline in 2018, is standing out once again among travellers, who have rated it the top Canadian carrier in Protégez-Vous magazine’s airlines ranking. Air Transat is in fourth place among the 11 carriers evaluated. ( 기타...

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cyberjet 1
Quele suprise? It's a Quebec based magazine and they voted for Quebec's "national" airline.
Cansojr 1
This has to be a joke. On one flight they nearly pumped all their fuel into the ocean. On another flight I had water dripping on me from Jose Matte airport in Havana all the way to Toronto in a clapped our L-1011. That aircraft has several 100 miles of caption that brought down SWISSAIR in Nova Scotia from faults in the wiring. I will never fly TrasAt ever again.
Sorry must be A-310 (yes they are old) or maybe A-330? I don't think anybody flies the L-1011,
Cansojr 1
They only built around 300 of them. Most are used for charter and freight the others are stored or scavenged around the world.
Was that not a MD-11 in Nova Scotia?
Cansojr 1
Yes it was and it was apalling doing the recovery effort. It went down in St. Margrets Bay, N.S


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