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Flight Attendant jailed for attempting to smuggle $A3 million of heroin

A former Malaysia Airlines flight attendant has been jailed for at least 3 years after attempting to smuggle more than 2.5kg of heroin into Australia. Fariq Aqbal Omar was seen by CCTV at Melbourne airport with unusual bulges showing through his airline uniform in May last year. Mr Omar carried the drugs onboard at Kuala Lumpur for a former colleague who promised to pay him $A500. Mr Omar passed customs, then went to the toilets and placed the drugs in a suitcase before walking out to the crew… ( 기타...

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flyerh 1
No drug problem in Singapore where I lived for several years. They don't mess around. Death penalty for possession. The warning is on visa applications in bold print. Malaysia is also quite strict so I wonder where it originated from.
Too bad the flight didn’t divert to Singapore, there would have been one less flight attendant.......alive!


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