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Airbus Announces A220 Enhancements: Increased Payload, Range

Airbus has increased both the maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of the A220 aircraft, as well as its range by an additional 450 nautical miles. The A220 will see an increase of 2,268 kg (2.3 metric tonnes) in its MTOW, which Airbus says will now enhance the A220-100 and A220-300 aircraft with a new range of 3,400 and 3,350 nautical miles, respectively. ( 기타...

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jhakunti 3
i hope to one day fly this aircraft.
Cansojr 0
Jayden I pray that your dream comes true. I spent over 10,000 hours in the cockpit it s the most fun you can have with your clothing on. Study hard. Hand around flight school, look for ridges. The more experience you obtain the easier your training your will help you get that first license from their is a walk in the park.
airbus did not; design, test or conceive this majestic airliner, simply bought the company and slapped their name on it. Call it the Marvel of Montreal.......
Cansojr 1
Cansojr 3
They only bought 51% on the Bombardier C-Series division in Montreal that's it.
Cansojr 8
Don't ever forget that this aircraft was first designed and built by Bombardier. Airbus just wanted to make their mark on this revolutionary aircraft. It is a triumph of Canadian aerospace engineering. We shall never forget this fact.


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