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Air Lease exchanges 15 737 orders for 787s amid Max grounding

Air Lease has taken steps to mitigate its exposure to the ongoing Boeing 737 Max crisis with an opportune deal to switch 15 of its orders to the 787....As of 30 June 2019, Air Lease had outstanding orders for 150 737 Max aircraft, but it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Boeing to switch 15 of these to a deal for five 787-9s. ( 기타...

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And it makes me wonder if Boeing should have built the 787-300 instead of the 737Max. Yes the max is a great aircraft but wasnt the 787-300 suppose to fly around the same distance with more passangers??
It's not just the number of seats and the range, the cost-per-seat-mile is very important and had a lot to do with why airlines wanted the MAX and why Boeing built it.
Cansojr 1
I agree, this is a recycled 737 with serious and deadly changes. Namely the position of engines and wings. Wind tunnel testing should have caught this. Did they use old data from other 737s. Is this the primary reason for the crashes?


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