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Mitsubishi renames MRJ as SpaceJet, unveils SpaceJet M100

Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation has confirmed a new name for its regional jets. Mitsubishi SpaceJet aircraft family, as it is now called, is to be comprised of two planes: the MRJ90 regional jet, now to be known as the SpaceJet M90, and its successor ‒ the smaller and U.S. clause compliant SpaceJet M100. Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation officially announced its Mitsubishi SpaceJet aircraft family on June 13, 2019. The company confirms that in addition to MRJ90-turned-SpaceJet M90, it is also… ( 기타...

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Seeing an internal company memo from MRJ since we are supposed be the Launch Customer.... this is no Joke and they really did it! It is not well perceived in our company right now...
Cansojr 1
Space Joke?
Not sure, but there was more than one article.... It is a little late in the year to be an April Fools Joke...

The Joke around here is that the Pilots will be call "Space Cadets"

No Shortage on reporting.... If it is a Promotional joke.... They are succeeding.
Cansojr 1
A little overkill don't you think?
LOL... Probably... Only time will tell if it helps or hurts them... It is funny the first couple times, but I think in the end it is going to fall back on them.... Just picture all the Delta or United MRJ's with the Name Space Jet... Vs Boeing, Airbus, CRJ, ERJ... ETC... I do not think that is what the end customer really wants to see.... Hopefully they will announce that it was only a publicity stunt, much like IHOP's name change to IHOB!
Cansojr 1


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