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Russian jet hard lands in Siberia, 49 people seek medical aid

Forty-nine people on board a Russian passenger jet sought medical assistance after the plane hard landed in the Russian Siberian city of Barnaul on Wednesday, the RIA state news agency reporting, citing local emergency services. ( 기타...

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Russian - that's how it is spelled
"people sue airlines in rusha all the time.
currently there are over 100,989,178 lawsuits filed against rushan airlines.

now serving number 3."
Cracked me up. Hahahahaha
It seems the 767 does have a propensity for landing gear fires. The last one I found occurred in August 2019 on a US military transport. The plane caught fire in the landing gear area while taxying for take-off.
And another incident in July 19, on a 767:
I'd expect a hard landing if the landing gear was on fire. Wonder if the gear was on fire before the touchdown, or the touchdown sparked the fire.
Rich Boddy -4
Lmao Russia suuuucckkksssss so hard
And nobody sued. Imagine that.
people sue airlines in rusha all the time.
currently there are over 100,989,178 lawsuits filed against rushan airlines.

now serving number 3.
MrTommy -1
I'm shocked. I would have thought the Commies wouldn't allow lawsuits. Or anything else for that matter. Ha.
MrTommy -1
Only because Russians have never HEARD of lawsuits . . . . :)
Safety is a process and attitude, not an airplane . . .
Welcome to FPSRussia, where Safety *Puts on Safety glasses* is Number 1 Priory.
While Reuters may point out that 'Safety concerns have plagued Russia’s airline industry since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union', we are not dealing with an iron plane out of the Soviet era, the plane in question being a Boeing 767-300.
The 67 is as bullet proof as an airframe can get. Just ask the next Qantas pilot you run into. The best aircraft can’t overcome poor piloting skills.
You can’t blame the plane. Actually, the Russian safety record ha ALWAYS been abysmal. It’s just that before the collapse of the USSR, the newspapers and other media were not allowed to report air accidents. BTW, Russians have crashed plenty of Airbuses as well.
This was a hard landing - that's a pilotage issue, not an airplane issue.
and by implication of the wording of your comment, the 767-300 is the model that requires no maintenance.
good to know.


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