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Jan 2020 aircraft orders Airbus 274 Boeing Zero.... (It will get better for Boeing)

Boeing is reportedly making massive concessions to 737 Max customers in an effort to get new orders for its troubled jet, aviation analyst Alex Macheras reported last month. But that wasn't enough to secure any orders for January. Still, no customers canceled orders, so the backlog was steady at 5,393 jets. Boeing did deliver eight commercial planes last month: six 787 Dreamliners, two 777s. The rest of the 13 deliveries last month were military versions of its commercial jets, including… ( 기타...

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erclrnz 1
How long would it take to catch up with a 5,393 jet backlog?!
ADXbear -5
Sad to see Boeings cumulative transgressions come back to hit them at once..

We all know Airbus has its fair share of legal troubles, billions in recent fines, and aircraft troubles.

I just wish Boeing were publically coming up with big changes tonthe Max, their relationship with the FAA inspection process etc..
The public will be much more acceptive of the Max IF THE PILOTS UNIONS would come out in support!! It signals they are willing to put their familes lives on that airframe..

Im looking to see massive changes soon.. good luck Boeing
Why companx X does not deserve more love even after they lied and put others in danger? We should all support company X, its our fault that they dont get the love needed.
Since you brought it up -- perhaps it says volumes that THE PILOTS UNIONS have NOT come out in support of the Max!! And in a way, you can't blame them -- Boeing was perfectly willing to send them up in an aircraft that was unsafe. I wonder which airline the "in the know" Boeing employees flew once they realized the problems?


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