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FAA agrees it must boost safety oversight for Southwest Airlines

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration says it should have done a better job of ensuring Southwest Airlines Co (LUV.N) had certified completion of maintenance on 88 used Boeing 737 jets, as noted in a report by the U.S. Transportation Department’s Inspector General ( 기타...

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So 150,000 flights and 15 million passengers without incident. Seems FAA oversight not needed at all .
And they have been thumped several times for flying planes 'unfit to passenger service', and so many other 'issues'.

Yeah, but they tithe money back to the party, so they are good. Until they aren't.

Alaska Airlines cheated on lube on their Mad Dogs, and it took an entire load of passengers flying literally UPSIDE DOWN and dying in a horrific disaster to get Alaska Air thumped.

Coincidence they dropped their MD's?

Southwest has been REALLY LUCKY. They skate around the rules to much. I refuse to fly them. I'll drive if I can't afford a better airline. I also don't shop at Walmart. I guess when we're up against the wall, I'll be on a pike because I don't support the favored corporations.
I’m sure most folks remember ValuJet who were notorious for bad maintenance and oversight. It took a massive fire in their hold and a plane slamming into the Everglades before any action was taken there.
ADXbear 3
Makes me wonder abot all our airlines maintenance, close calls no one in public knows about, and our automatic trust of the aircaft we get on..

Though more dangerous. Im doing more and more driving, even x country.. its more comfortable all the way compared to flying..
Makes you wonder how independent the FAA is. They are either grossly understaffed, grossly under trained, unclear on their mission, don't care what they're supposed to do, or are corrupt and in bed with the people they're supposed to be monitoring. Or a combination of all of the above. It's no wonder the aviation agencies in other nations aren't going to accept the FAA results on the 737Max fixes. Who knows about the quality of the data.


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