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President Trump: US will ‘protect’ Boeing from coronavirus fallout

President Donald Trump says the US government will “protect” Boeing from the adverse effects of the coronavirus downturn, suggesting financial aid to Boeing and other aerospace companies may be part of a pending economic relief plan. ( 기타...

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che mex 1
If only Trump could care of the well being of the american people and of the truth as he cares about himself, money and corporations......
Trump will help a company from which nobody will able to use its products. Strange decision
This is so very wrong this bail out money is needed in so many more important areas.
Being is still selling (delivering) 777, 787 & 747 (plus all the military, like the 767 tankers), so they are pulling down hundreds of millions of dollars daily......
jhakunti 3
Scrap that crap Max program. Bailout the motor carrier owners, restaurants owners, etc who truly suffer from Covid-19 guidelines. Bailout the workers who are out of work as a result. Bailout the air carriers that invested and planned for but never received and suffer from the Max program's failing, which was due to Boeing and FAA shortcomings. Don't reward Boeings negligence with a bailout.
Dubslow 7
the larger the corporation, the more it will be able to weather the storm. if you want to help folks, start with the millions of now-unemployed wage workers with infinitely less solvency than large corporations
ADXbear 15
Boeing has made 100x millions prior to this max debacle.. the virus is being used as excuse..

Bailout families the need food and childcare etc.
Not corporations!
I know this will start a fire, but this is a mistake......
No..what you stated should not start a fire as it is a huge mistake. Boeing already has financial backing, and can weather this without help.


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