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United Airlines Promotes Commercial Flight Health Safety

FlightAware is proud to showcase the efforts of our trusted partner, United Airlines, in continuing to provide their passengers the safest travel experience possible. ( 기타...

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Meh... I can wipe down surfaces myself once I'm in my seat.
What I can't do is control the distance between myself and the people seated near me.
The more I see about full flights in cramped quarters, the less I'm planning to fly anytime soon.
saso792 3
FlightAware can be proud and showcase the efforts of their trusted partner, United Airlines, in packing their flights with people with this article.
I used to love flying United. I flew them to and from Heathrow. The crew was so helpful and funny. One female flight attendant hammed it up for a picture, which was so cool. United has a lot of great people. The plane wasn't exactly clean, and some seats didn't work either. I hope they take this time to do the maintenance and cleaning their planes really need.
Too bad it's taken a pandemic. No telling what people contracted over the years from those miniature pillows and (sometimes "crunchy") blankets!
Or rug-rats wiping the results of a sudden sneeze on the upholstery.
UA is not the only carrier adding additional protocol and technology to ensure a safer and cleaner in flight experience.
dbaker 2
You're right -- that's great. Our friends and partners at United are promoting their initiatives on our home page, but we'd love to hear about what others are doing to ensure air travel is safe.
Is United still partnering with Lufthansa to offer flight to Eastern Europe?
dbaker 3
Yes, United and Lufthansa are both part of the Star Alliance and also codeshare and will issue tickets connecting to each other. Your best bet to connect to Eastern Europe on United and Lufthansa is to fly through Frankfurt or Munich.


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