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Chicago Weatherman Amazed by Thunderblizzard - 0:38

A good antidote to all the revolution coverage, guaranteed to change your mood. Note the assistant is wearing ski night. lol. Remember folks, nothing beats enthusiasm in the workplace. ;) ( 기타...

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QuickBurn 0
Jim Cantore is the man.
Also, the "assistant" in the first shot is actually Mike Bettes, another meteorologist at TWC.
Erika Amir 0
Hahaha, love it. The only people who pay more attention to the weather than pilots are meteorologists!
Same thing here around the Cape Cod area last night. Heavy rain and awsome thunder and lightning for a good 45 min.
Ed Berling 0
It was an interesting, and intense, blizzard. The thunder snow lasted about 15 minutes here in the suburbs of Chicago - this guy from the Weather Channel was in the middle of downtown on Michigan Avenue.
Ryan Pitt 0
Jim Cantore is not a Chicago Weatherman. He works for The Weather Channel which is based out of Atlanta Georgia.
that happened in charlotte yesterday but we got rain intead so now it's gonna snow on my birthday thursday, hopefully
Dude thats crazy lol
Crazy weather, I woke up to that here in NH last night and it poured out as well, like we needed that on top of the 2+ feet we already have on the


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