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Anchorage, Pittsburgh airports team up to increase air cargo business

Pittsburgh International Airport has turned to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport for help as it wants to handle more cargo. "For us, air cargo was always part of the passenger hub operation," said Bryan Dietz, vice president of Air Service Development for Pittsburgh International Airport. "Now, we've spent the last couple of years focusing on air cargo exclusively. So Anchorage is actually a part of us opening up a new business unit here in Pittsburgh." ( 기타...

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As far as having to stage out of PIT for pax service, this sounds like a great move for them.
ADXbear 1
Where is ATL.. THE WORLD BIGGEST CARGO airport .. Surprised we havent heard from them..
dee9bee 1
Location, Location, Location...What can PIT do that MEM, SDF, EWR and PHL cannot? The value of ANC is obvious.
PA has a big gov't supply depot near Harrisburg. But with KPIT they can cover a bigger area to include WV. That's my guess.


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