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FlightAware Begins Releasing Software As Open Source

FlightAware is a proud user and supporter of open source software projects. Not only does FlightAware support open source projects that power FlightAware, but we actively releases & maintain new open source projects that are public releases of software that FlightAware has developed in-house. FlightAware's code is released under the liberal New BSD license, which allows free use & distribution by all. ( 기타...

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Dave Davis 0
My company licenses its erp software for k12 and local government software as open source. A great and courageous decision by the team at FlightAware!! Keep up the good work and wish you the best of success at all you put your hands to do.
Congratulations! Flight safety information should be easily accessible and distributed as widely. Bravo
FlightAware is Awesome!
sseeplane 0
Congratulations to FlightAware supporting open source. This is the way forward - opening up choice for all computer users the world over and release from the crippling effects of "vendor lock in". Thank you FlightAware.
Just one more reason why FlightAware is the best there is.
Fuzzyjets 0
are you sure that you don't want to Patent this idea ?
vincentvan 0
My hat is off to all at FlightAware! I'm hooked on this site for good reason.


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