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A forgotten hero of a forgotten war

An aerial engagement on 18 November, 1952, pitting one F9F-5 Panther against seven superior MiG-15s resulting in four MiGs down. This engagement is unmatched in either the Korean War, the Vietnam War or since then.Yet, the story is just beginning to reach the audience it deserves. ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
Fantastic story and certainly true. Lieutenant Williams, I am thankful for your service and perseverance against great odds that day. I pray you receive the CMoH that you have rightfully earned.

I am going to do some further research to appease my inquisitive mind and maybe some more knowledgable posters can help answer my questions.

1) Was the Mig-15 capable of carrying a weapon that was a real danger to an Essex class carrier?
2) If there was an anti-ship missile, would it seriously affect the combat maneuvering of the Mig?
3) Were the Migs just an escort for a multi-type aircraft attack force?
4) Why was there a 40kt cross-deck wind when the "deck" could turn into the wind and make 30kts on its own? That would have really helped mitigate the 170kt landing speed.

Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate!
Greg S 2
Amazing story! The reasons given for the keeping the event a secret for so long don't really make sense, so there must have been something else at play here.
Perhaps they were actually in Russian airspace? Just a guess.
Greg S 1
Pretty good guess. There were always diplomatic overtures, meetings, etc. between the US and Soviets that both sides agreed were never to be publicized. If our fighter strayed or intentionally went into Soviet airspace that would be a huge deal that would have to be addressed to prevent escalation.


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