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New pilot makes emergency landing on Utah I-80 freeway

A young pilot having only been flying for 6 months was flying from Idaho Falls, ID to Provo, UT with one passenger when the oil pressure dramatically dropped and then the engine seized and failed. Having wisely chosen to plan his flight over the less trafficked Interstate 80 he was able to find an opening in the traffic and set the Cessna 172 down on the freeway. He and his passenger then pushed the plane off the shoulder to allow cars to pass. ( 기타...

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dee9bee 3
"I just got the oil changed yesterday". Hmmm...
Anyone who skis at Park City has been on that stretch of road. It is far from flat and if it is snowing there is a large pucker factor heading down hill toward Salt Lake. Great job!
This occurred at night ,no less. He had the right instruction, at the right school and paid attention. He is now 'pre-disastered' and stories like this warm the old CFI heart.
Nothing like already having a plan for just in case, and the cooperation of motorists.


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