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The most (in)famous airport planning experiment of the 20th century

An article on the genesis of JFK Airport's "Terminal City", whereby each major airline could design its own terminal. ( 기타...

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Interesting read! It didn't really work out very well but from the way you wrote it it seemed like a very logical idea at the time.
The idea for JFK was a great one. All the current problems can be summed up in two words. Port Authority.
Hi Ric, can you elaborate on that? Would love to hear your views. Regards, Max (the author of the article).
RECOR10 -4
case in point of everything and anything the Unions and Liberals this very day.
What a sweeping statement!!

A conservative view would still have you working 7 days per week with no weekends.
Thank a Union for your weekend and mandated hours for your workweek.

Liberal views got us to the other side of the Depression with FDR and the new deal bringing Social Security.

Conservative views bring us only what someone is willing to sling a bribe for.
Case in point the disastrous last 4 years of the US Govt.
How do US politicians become multi-millionaires on a public servants wage?

I will concede to you there is rampant corruption in Unions. However, you must concede to me the rampant out of control bribery and corruption have done at the conservative level as well. This is so not a one-sided street.

Liberals and Conservative viewpoints bring balance to an argument...........and that is progress.
Seeing one side as the only side being correct gives us nothing; except pointed comments like yours.
I agree except for the part about politicians getting rich on a government wage. Most, if not all, are already rich and making money in other ways, not just receiving their salary. Bribes help too. It's like this for both parties.


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