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Cathay Pacific Removes Mask Requirement for Premium Flyers

Cathay Pacific has removed the requirement for their premium class passengers to wear a mask while on board some aircraft – a move that can be viewed as bold or relative to health guidelines, as offered by appropriate parties. An internal memo, distributed among Cathay Pacific staff, discloses the situations in which passengers can remove their masks. One of the situations allowed is for First and Business Class flyers, these passengers can enjoy a mask-free experience when lying in a fully… ( 기타...

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Of course. If you are rich or elite you are exempt from Covid rules.
Did you even read the article? They can only take the mask off when fully reclined in their personal cubicle, AKA social distanced and enclosed in your own personal space. Sounds like that complies with "Covid rules" to me.
But they will still lose against the 'premium' fliers that have access to their own planes.

I had a friend that owned several planes. He had a shall corporation for each plane. I'm sure his accountant earned their fees. He never flew commercial. His wife, on the otherhand, often did. Due to weather, etc. He swore he would NEVER fly commercial ever again. He landed, parked the plane, people serviced it, it was fully fueled, stocked with whatever he wanted, including food, and they waltzed through 'security', and onto the plane, and flew wherever they wanted to. They often changed their destination in mid-flight. Many of his planes had 'crew' that were on call. He grossed well over 2 million a year. (I wasn't 'high class enough' for him, and we lost touch over the years. Wasn't wowed by his many toys)

Oh, to be rich and stupid, or rich and selfish?
dval18 1
LOL. They're not mutually exclusive.
Well.... that should test the system then I am sure !!!!


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