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Pilatus PC-24 Landing in Venice

For the first time, a business jet lands on the grass runway of the airport closest to the world-famous Italian city of Venice. ( 기타...

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Where's the video showing the Venetian ground crew racing out to repair the massive divots so the Cessnas don't fall into them during takeoff?
You obviously don't no much about the Italian work ethic. The only things that "race" there are Ferraris.
I saw Pilatus in headline and recall West Berlin 1989 when my former husband was flying 1 of 2 Pilatus Porters in Army inventory. There was a restricted radius from the BASC or Berlin Air Safety Center manned by French, British, Soviet and US personnel. I believe the movie Air America shows a Pilatus landing uphill. The Swiss know their business.
Yea, but the next video shows them leaving on a barge...
Do they get the extra points for scoring the second touchdown?
it's a hard surface, dry, decent wind conditions, sunny day- the pilots and the aircraft were capable of a safe landing , and they did exactly that. Nice views of venice: lots of water thereabouts- lovely video.
Very nice!!! We used to land on 3 Grass/Dirt Runways in Texas, when I was flying the OZARK DC-94's.
even the professionals do a bouncer now and then
Had to chuckle on that one. I reckon the pilot logged two landings at Lido!


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