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Partner Spotlight: Flighty | Using FlightAware Firehose to Provide a Stress-free Travel Experience

Whether you are traveling five days a week or once a year, Flighty offers seamless pilot-grade flight tracking for all your flights. By leveraging FlightAware’s real-time, historical and predictive aviation information platform, Firehose, Flighty provides exclusive features plus the fastest push alerts in the industry. ( 기타...

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Looks good, but I can't find on Google Play store
Hi Scott, posted right above you that it’s coming eventually. In the meantime if you have an iPad our app works there and looks even better tbh.
I'm in Indonesia, flying mostly regional carriers right now. I rely on Flightaware to give me clues to history: on which days of a week is a flight most likely to be cancelled, etc. Is there any way with Flighty to enhance my tracking of this? I'm mostly flying on Air Asia (AWQ) and Lion Air (LNI). It would be great if there were a way to see in advance what the seat sell rate is on flights! (Lots of flights cancelled, which creates trouble when there are limited options.)
Franky16 1
Expert Flyer will give you all or most of that info...
Bingo. Expert Flyer is superb for seat info.

Flighty has cancellation, change, and reschedule alerts – so you’ll know about any issues before everyone else and can rebook before the rush.
Thanks - will check it out
Hey guys, this is for the web devs. Get your cert renewed for All of the browsers are giving warnings regarding the invalid cert.
Thanks Chris, apologies you had that experience. We fixed the issue.
Thanks Jenny! Confirmed it is working correctly now.
jbqwik 1
Wanted to check out your web site but the web certificate is marked as invalid.
Apologies you had that experience! The issue has been fixed.
Hi Everyone, Flighty CEO here, happy to answer any questions!
The "Where's my plane" feature is great. I used to have to manually trace my planes back to check for potential delays. This is looking to be my go-to app for air travel.
We manually did the exact same thing Paula, and never understood why someone didn’t automate it, with push alerts for issues, so I could stop checking every 10 minutes!
Android app coming? Looks pretty neat!
Thanks Jason! Android will follow depending on hiring an Android engineer (read: revenue). In the meantime, if you have an iPad (seems like many android users do?) fyi Flighty looks/works awesome on iPad and Mac.


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