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Germany Blocks Incoming Russian Flights After Having Its Flights Rejected by Moscow Amid Belarus Tension

Germany and Russia are in conflict over who gets to fly into one another's airports amid Belarus tension, The Moscow Times reported. The transport ministry announced Wednesday that Germany has blocked flights with Russian airlines from landing in its airports after Moscow had done the same to two German flights. Lufthansa had two planes flying into Moscow due to depart early Wednesday, but both flights were canceled after Russia refused to provide necessary permits in time, according to The… ( 기타...

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Merkel will blink. No European will stand up to the Russian bear for long.
Merkel is retiring and isn’t going to want a backing-down to become her legacy.

Only about 12% of Germany’s energy needs are met using natural gas, and Russia supplies about half of that. If Russia were to shut off the pipeline, it would create a small but significant energy crunch (primarily for domestic uses like heating and cooking) for the Germans, but it would have a much bigger impact on Russia’s economy. Gazprom (the majority owner of the Nord Stream pipeline and a monopoly in Russia) exports about US $25B of natural gas annually and the country is heavily dependent on the revenue and jobs from oil and gas exports. Germany also has alternative sources of natural gas in the North Sea that can increase production to compensate, so while prices would go up, the supply is there.

For Germany, shutting down Nord Stream 1/2 would be an inconvenience; for Russia, it would be a major headache.
Unilateral action can often look weak and petty - What's needed is a coordinated 'slap in the face' to Russia by all Western European nations together. Russia's provocative and childish behavior will stop immediately - and more importantly will not be repeated...
A harbinger of things to come once the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is completed and Germany becomes dependent on Russia supplying their natural gas.
Point taken, but also question what Russia has to sell besides fossil fuels... I suspect they'll want to sell as much gas as they can, before the emerging green technologies take a bite out of those profits.

Besides caviar and vodka, what consumer goods do you associate with Russia?
canuck44 3
Randsom ware.
Cossack hats?
jmilleratp 14
All Western countries should ban Russian aircraft.
inoc 2
Flights originating in Russia? - or just Russian owned A/C?
You don't understand the effects this would have on civil aviation...


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