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SAS Scandinavian Airlines is deploying its brand-new jet to the US to take flyers to a reopening Europe and beyond

SAS Scandinavian Airlines became the latest airline to fly the Airbus A350-900 XWB in January 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Most travelers didn't get to experience the aircraft at the time but Europe is now reopening to tourists and SAS is once more deploying the aircraft on transatlantic routes. The aircraft welcomes travelers with a modern interior with passenger-friendly enhancements at every seat. Scandinavia is finally opening to American tourists. Sweden and Denmark will… ( 기타...

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ADXbear 3
Better hold there roll, I think we are about to close the boards again as the new variant covid is hitting hard here in Florida, but it's among those that chose to not get the vaccine..

Just when things were normalizing.. sad
Nic Tanner -5
I wonder why we are not getting a demographics breakdown of that statistic. For starters I'd love to know how many positive cases have come illegally across the border from Biden's open arms and then been shipped like cattle to Red states like Florida and Georgia (we know the reason behind it - votes!). I'd also like to see a racial breakdown as well since the fake news media like DNCNN won't tell you that over half of African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos (most of whom voted for Biden) still refuse to get vaxxed.* They just love to lie to you that it's only the ignorant Trumpsters who refuse to get stuck. I am also comically reminded of the hypocrisy from the Dems like Harris who last year said she would not trust any vaccine created under the Trump administration. Short memories.

*Source - CDC data reported as of 7/19


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