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Air New Zealand to resume and bring back the Boeing 777-319;s out of the desert in December 2021

Air New Zealand sent there B777s 319's to storage last year are now going to bring them back from Victorville at the end of 2021 the CEO Luxton said in a new cast yesterday on TVNZ four have being stored at Auckland airport for a year which two are 777-219;s. The 777-319's will resume on long haul routes to help there sister aircraft the Boeing 787-919's which replaced the jets while in sotrage. Five of the older 777-200's will also be brought back into service for Trans… ( 기타...

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Greg Foran has been CEO since 2020.
It's amazing how a major news source doesn't have proofreaders to check for grammatical errors.
Sad, really.
Good story. Should be spelt 'their' B777s, not 'there'...


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