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SpaceX needs to tame toilet trouble before weekend launch

During SpaceX’s first private flight last month, a tube came unglued, spilling urine onto fans and beneath the floor, said William Gerstenmaier, a SpaceX vice president who used to work for NASA. The same problem was recently discovered inside the Dragon capsule at the space station, he told reporters Monday night. (October 25, 2021 ) ( 기타...

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Someone is pissed off.
chalet 1
I was told that in the 20s and 30s all human crap was thrown out the window to alíviate the capacity of the toilette receiving tanks and sometimes this fell upon unsuspecting human beings. True or not it make laugh like hell. Just think, almost a century later they still can´t get it right.
This is a crappy situation. :-)
btweston 2
I would just like to point out that the capsule with the fixed toilet is called Endurance.
Was it designed by Howard Wolowitz?
Cleffer 2
And written by Mel Books.
Cleffer 3
"....spilling urine onto fans and beneath the floor.."

Urine on fans in space. Instant comedy. I know it's dangerous, but you just have to picture it. Your not getting that "used rocket" smell out, either.
Instant atomised urine spray.


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