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Man who lived in O'Hare airport for months to avoid COVID cleared of trespassing charges

Aditya Singh, 37, had been busted in O’Hare International Airport in January and accused of living in a secure area there since he had arrived in October 2020. ( 기타...

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This report highlights the current administration's "twisted" logic of allowing illegal immigration at our nation's southern border; (i.e. to avoid COVID). Why would Mr. Singh feel safe in Texas, Arizona, or California given his absurd airport excuse?
poor people need help
srobak 2
Or they can help themselves
ADXbear 2
Was his name Tom Hanks?
Cleffer 4
Took long enough for that case to clear the courts. Wow.
Chicago is a war zone. So, I am guessing they have to deal with all the killings first.
EMK69 5
Good, it's more of why didn't someone notice. IF all employees are trained in semi security issues at Airports why didn't someone take notice over the months he lived there.


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