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3 Rescued in Florida Keys plane crash 10 mi from Key West

A Good Samaritan and the Coast Guard helped 3 people out of a barely submerged Cessna 210 fifteen minutes after takeoff from Key West. ( 기타...

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Note to self: Before buying a used 210 study the log book closely for the month of December, 2021.
chop12345 -1
I'm surprised we haven't seen more of this after the movie "Scully" came out.
WIth all the crap of todays news it is a pleasant surprise to find that there are still good people out there. Well done!
Hats off to the Good Samaritan. Being at the right place at the right time.
bentwing60 17
Never hurts to have a little luck or AMEN on ones side. Obviously the ditching was a success, daylight hours and over waters that might be the boating equivalent of the 'Jersey Turnpike'. No NTSB involvement is usually a happier ending.


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