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Down two thrusters, Boeing’s Starliner docks with space station

The mission without anyone on board is designed to test the vehicle in space before NASA’s astronauts fly it ( 기타...

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Pretty sure that they will have to do another unmanned flight. This issue with thrusters is not an isolated issue. They had to replace the service module because the original had corroded valves in the thruster assembly which meant they could not properly actuate the valves.

They spent ages trying to figure out the cause of the issue in the Boeing designed but Aerojet Rocketdyn manufactured parts and couldn’t find root cause. So they just replaced the entire service module. It’s not looking good for Boeing yet.
All the tax dollars to Boeing to get this going, and they're still having problems.
Actually I think this is on Boeing’s dime now. It’s a fixed price contract and I head Boeing is already out $500M
Good to see Boeing making good progress with this Rocket.. I am sure it will do well in the future... Everything new has some fine tuning to do. Hopefully they got enough Telemetry data to do just that and fix it for future flights.
mbrews 3
maybe they need to supply some OVERTHRUSTERS That way, when a few fail, the mission can continue
is one of the elements of the contract that all thrusters need be working when docking with space station? wow, is boeing in trouble again........
MH had to find a negative piece in the positive news.
this was a test flight and if/when a negative occurrence happens, that is the time for it to happen, not 5 flights later with passengers on board. There will be more test flights before this is certified and safe.


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