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U.S. Drops International COVID Entry Testing Requirement From Sunday June 12

Travelers entering the United States will no longer have to present a negative COVID-19 test as of Sunday June 12, 2022. ( 기타...

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When are they going to drop the vaccine passports? Almost every European country has dropped the passport requirement along with testing. You no longer need to prove that you have been twice jabbed with the potentially lethal experimental injections.

This not only has a big impact on travelers but also on inflation. Truckers from Canada or Mexico cannot enter Canada without proving they are double jabbed. How is this good for the American supply chain? There is a BIG reason why inflation is out of control but not the only one. What we are seeing is a controlled demolition of America by the people who control Joe Biden. I'll let you guess who they are.
Easy, it'll end when it hurts them politically to keep the restrictions in place. It sounds like the reckoning is coming via the November mid terms, even the biased talking heads on networks like CNN have seen the writing on the wall and know a red wave is coming. So the only question is will the Biden administration wait until after the November bloodbath in hopes of securing his, or at least another Democrat Presidency in 2024? Or will they try to save as many Democrats from losing their seats this year by easing restrictions and trying to play the good guy/party?
They can't, a big part of the problem. lemmings don't guess, they read/watch msm, get a clot shot booster or two and Hope and bend over! a rather serendipitous way to approach the current situation world wide but (show anyway) here is now my fate as well as yours KK so once Collins bans us here another pyric victory is apparent but another success story for the lemmings!

most assuredly not msm!
What’s with this Woke ?
When will the ridicules mask mandate will end?
srobak 2
it did a couple months ago.
That’ll grease the skids to get rid of Title 42. Hold on folks!
srobak 1
which has nothing to do with air travel.
Sure it does. I both drive and fly to the States a number of times a year.
srobak 0
Are you an illegal alien?
It does too. The Illegals get free flights when they get here = AVIATION.
srobak 0
but they have already breached the border by that time. title 42 is at the border - not within it.
My thoughts exactly.
DonDengler -1
Of course! It has to be because of all the illegals crossing borders. Our border agents can’t test them so same now as by air.
srobak 0
illegals don't enter by air
Joe flying these aliens on unmarked aircraft in the middle
Of the night to undisclosed air fields
But once inside. Planes flying these aliens in middle of nights to places.
srobak 1
and again.... title 42 applies to borders and points of entry. not within.
Eee gads
Dave P 2
Disagree. Many people in the US illegals overstayed visas for visiting. These folks, as would anyone would have been tested for COVID under the policy that finally just ended.
srobak 1
Riiiiiiight cause people who are already in the country in violation of federal law are going to student show up at an illegal immigrant covid testing facility on the border. Got it.

If they overstayed their visa then they were already in violation and would be candidates for deportation. Title 42 would have zero bearing on that. This condition has existed for decades.

And as the testing is done at the border upon entry - they would have already been legally entering at that time.

In short - illegals don't generally enter by air. There is too much control to be able to do that. Ergo 42 wouldn't apply there at that point.
srobak 0
Student = suddenly. Phone thinks it's smarter than me.
pika1000 4
Like the song all the kids are dancing to on TikTok says...

So for all of you that are hitting the down arrow could you please explain why you agree illegals should not be covid tested but all others entering legally should be?
That’s a very narrow and skewed view of why someone would have down voted a comment. You fail to consider that there may be other reasons for down voting a comment. Speaking for myself, I down checked those comments, not because I don’t think illegal aliens should be tested. I down voted the comments because they have nothing to do with aviation or with subject of the original article. See my comment at the top of this list.
Quote "Travelers entering the United States will no longer have to present a negative COVID-19 test as of Sunday June 12, 2022."

Are not illegals "travelers entering the United States"?
I think its covered under the subject very well.
Illegal travellers, yes.
srobak 0
now now - don't go trying to confuse the issue with facts
There was a time when we talked about airplanes and flying in this forum, not political rhetoric.
If we don't engage, it will stop.
Thank Joe
They dropped the headline on here not us.
srobak 3
They who? It was just a post by a user - Roger Anderson.
Jon Duncan -2
Never have tested the illegals. I'm sorry. Undocumented. They have more rights than US citizens.
Of course! Due to Joe.
amacnabb 6
And they certainly get more "free stuff" (including an airplane ride to their selected destination) than any bona-fide citizen...
Mike Mohle -3
Mike Mohle -4
Maybe they can start testing the illegals flooding over the border locations instead. Same vendors, different "customers".
Maybe whoever they is, close all entry points to The United States of America !
bentwing60 -3
Spot on!


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