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Photos of Newly Found AF447 Wreckage

Looks like engines, landing gear, and fuselage panels. ( 기타...

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cant they send a diver dowen ther and look for the black boxes
Pressure = weight/sq ft and water is heavy!
The flight recorders will be much harder to locate without a signal from trhese devices. Wonder what de bottom is made of at these depths. Is it rock, mud, sand; Do they have a chance to find it if it is burried in 8 feet of mud?
carlsonbe 0
Question is, where is the black box (really they are two, and they are not black: the cockpit voice recorder and the avionics recorder)? Those will answer many questions.
where is the rest of the plane
John Jurik 0
"Always fly the aircraft first, then deal with the emergency."

Ya think?
Andy Adams 0
i know that, i just didn't want to get too technical with it.
egnilk66 0
(It just happens to double on the first one.)
egnilk66 0
@John.... I was thinking the same thing....but it was close enough for the purpose, so I didn't say anyhting. ;)
Andy A - pressure doesn't double every 30 feet down, but it does increase by 1atmosphere or 14.7 psi every 33. (sorry, old scuba diver here) Still pretty respectable pressure at that depth.
egnilk66 0
It was flight 447. Yes, it's sad but it's great that they found it. I would hate to know that I was lost at sea forever and nobody could find me.
oh crap,.sorry i thought it was a 747 .. thanks so much I had wondered as I didn't hear of any recent water crashes.. it's good to hear about this though as it gives family some closure. still sad though.
egnilk66 0
Hilda.....that's what this is. AF = Air France.
did they ever find the wreckage of teh Air France 747 (I believe) that crashed near Brazil.?
egnilk66 0
There's one other thing that I'd like to know... Is this an area previously covered by search attempts?
egnilk66 0
In-effing-credible. Thumbs up to the Woods Hole folks...well done! I just hope they find those Flight Data Recorders.'

Yeah, that tire would be toast at that depth.
toolguy105 0
One of these days they may find the Flight Recorders. While we think we know the why of what caused the plane to crash into the sea until we have the flight recorders, and hopefully they are readable, we will never know for sure what happened on this flight.
- Du bon boulot-job, à présent il faut attendre la remontée des boîtes noire, et comprendre POURQUOI .... et le verdict des experts.
- Résultat, pas avant la fin 2011, et encore !!!!!
alfadog 0
195, YW and Andy, only by a few minutes ;-)
BTW, is the pressure calculator.
Andy Adams 0
alfadog beat me to it
Andy Adams 0
pilot195, pressure underwater doubles every 30 feet (roughly), so yes it's quite easy to say the pressure that low is much greater than tire pressure which is likely in the 100-150 psi range depending on the tire. Although I read a different article with these pictures that indicated they were much deeper than 10,000, I think it was around 16,000 to 18,000 feet.
pilot195 0
yikes ... yup, 4500 psi certainly would 'win' ... by the way, the other article linked on Flight Aware puts the depth at 3900 meters, which is almost 13,000 ft down, not 10,000 ft....

thanks alfadog
alfadog 0
Also, Boeing lists 215 psi as pressure for the main gear of a 777-300. And if want a grisly mental picture (why would you? IDK), read "Table 1" at
alfadog 0
Pressure at 10k feet = 4500 psi or 300 atm so yes, that will "deflate" the tires even if they did not leak.
Always fly the aircraft first, then deal with the emergency.
pilot195 0
just idle curiousity--- it appears all the tires are deflated - what caused that? Is the pressure at 10,000 ft below sea level greater than tire pressure? Or does saltwater corrode blowout plugs (or another component? Like I said, just idle curiousity. Hopefully this search will yield flight data recorders and they will have something useful to divulge.
biglarry44 if we could only find Amelia Earhart...
Choke and puke at 36,000 feet.
Toby Sharp 0
around 10,000 ft
Amazing. Their perseverance is awesome and wonderful.
This should be interesting.
Especially with the criminal investigation with arrests made.
What depth is it resting in feet????
Wow is right.


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