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"Unruly" passenger forces Southwest flight to make emergency landing in Arkansas

A Southwest Airlines flight bound from Houston, Texas, to Columbus, Ohio, was forced to make an emergency landing in Little Rock, Arkansas, Saturday afternoon due to a passenger disturbance. Southwest Flight 192 landed at Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport at about 3:30 p.m. local time, the Federal Aviation Administration confirmed to CBS News in a statement, after "the crew declared an emergency due to a passenger disturbance." An airline spokesperson described the incident to… ( 기타...

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Maybe you should just start throwing the mis behaving idiots out of the plane…. At altitude. The word gets around, i bet these entitle baboons will straighten up.
Most of these “disturbances” generally revolve around alcohol. For some reason, a least in my 36 year career, Asia, the Far East, had less incidents when compared to North America or Western Europe. It’s been my experience that booze just releases the inner un-regulated self and with the added pressures of todays’ air travel, couped up in aluminum tubes with half the atmospheric pressure one normally needs for the brain to function adequately…… have now created a climate where Chaotic, Rude, self-entitled drunk assholes pluck their bums down and demand recognition where none is warranted or earned. On the bright side, I just got off a 14 hour 777-200 flight followed by an A319, B737-8-Max and a final A-321 after a 6 week vacation. All flights were full, on time and not one incident. Crews were happy, Pax were happy…there’s hope yet?
I live in Asia, and we seem to almost never have any of that type of bad rude & poor behavior in the Philippines or places close to us. WHY are people so disruptive like they are these days? None of this ever took place during the 50's or 60's or 70's (Unless it was a hijack of course).
It happened. Social media makes it easy to spread news about bad behavior


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