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Delta to phase out DC 9-50 jets, Saab turboprops after Labor Day

Delta announced in its first-quarter earnings report that it will retire 130 of its least-efficient aircraft over the next 18 months. The fuel bill increased by 29%, or $483 million, during the first quarter when Delta paid $2.89 per gallon for fuel with 41% of its fuel consumption hedged. That is expected to increase to $3.26 per gallon in the second quarter with 40% of fuel hedged. ( 기타...

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sparkie624 0
My understanding is that they will not be replacing them. They will be adding flights to otherwise not flying planes and regionals will pick up some. Overall the flights are suppose to be reduced by a good margin. That is what I have been hearing in the rumor mill, and chip, some things never change, and SWA running off the end of a runway and blowing there top is 2 things they will never change.
Les Heinke 0
Delta already retired the DC9-30 and 40's.
I Used A Flight By A DC-9 As An Alarm Clock Coming Into KHIB. And The Out Going Flight As A Snooze Alarm.
This is great news; I'm excited about have jet service in the area. (KPIB)
Boy I will miss these jets go over my house on short final to 27 at KMEM! I always loved the noise and the smoke coming out of the end. I will miss seeing the 2 bright white lights on the wingtips and I will immediately get up and watch the DC9 coming in... I will miss these birds. Looks like back to seeing CRJ-200s and other regionals coming into KMEM for me. (Except for FedEx MD11s and 777s!)
Delta still has the DC9-30s and -40s, so the smoke will still stand for a little during roll out! lol
Boy, I am going to miss the noise and smoke on the rollout.
drkool69 0
Is there a market for these or will they rot in the Mojave? (Both DC9 and SAAB)
The MD-90 will replace the DC-9s. DAL has 25 used MD-90s on order. The regionals will replace the SAABs with some version of the Bombardier jet.
@Luke: Probably the 737 or a Bombardier.

Definitely the end of an era (They still have MD-8x's and MD-9x's)
what are they gonna replace them with?
That could spell the end of air service to Essential Air Service terminals like mine. We currently see the SAAB 340's four times a day as do most other destinations in Iowa, Wisconsin, the Dakota's, and Minnesota.

I guess it will be back to crop dusters or long drives.
Toby Sharp 0
good one chip. please explain "hedged" to me tho. thanks
Wow, end of an era! In my mind, Delta is synonymous with the DC9. Next thing you know, they'll tell us that Southwest is going to phase out runway overruns.


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