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Turkey violated Greek airspace more than 2,000 times last year

The downing of a Russian jet by Turkish warplanes earlier this week marked one of the most high-profile incidents between Russia and a Nato member for decades. Ankara accuses Moscow of violating Turkish airspace, but the Russian defence ministry insists its plane was flying over Syrian territory when it was shot down. Airspace violations have become increasingly common in recent years with the majority of encounters proving peaceful and routine, something that may change in light of events on… ( 기타...

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let's see, the greeks and the turks have been angry at each other for a while, could the writer of this one-sided diatribe have an identifiable national bias? of course not...Let us all remember the Greece and turkey are allies, nato members, and not enemies . Whereas the turks and the Russians are not allies, only neighbors. and have fought wars in the past.


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