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The 11 Sexiest, Coolest-Looking Cold War Jets

Jet aircraft, particularly the fighters, represent a Freudian’s play date. Long, slender, blisteringly fast, spewing bullets out the tip and, until recently, powered as much by testosterone as by kerosene (the main ingredient in jet fuel — what a disappointment). Of course, now that women fly them, and fly them quite well, thank you, this men’s club is no longer so exclusive. We began to think about these Cold Warriors of the air, and tried to compile a list based purely on their aesthetic or… ( 기타...

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I don't get it, why come to an aviation site and downvote pictures of "wait for it" Airplanes! At any rate The Hun was always one of my favorites even though the only thing it did really well was the Saber Dance. Cheers!


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