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Red Arrows' North American Tour

The RAF’s Red Arrows display team is to undertake its largest ever tour of North America during 2019, visiting the US and Canada. Announcing the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team’s (RAFAT’s) nine-week Western Hawk 19 deployment, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “Our Red Arrows fly the flag for Britain across the globe and this tour will not only showcase their teamwork and aviation excellence but also promote our great nation to billions of people across the world. “After an incredible year… ( 기타...

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Does anyone know specifically what cities/airshow events the Red Arrows will appear? I couldn't find a detailed schedule on their website.
The International Council of Air Shows is next month. Most teams release their schedules there. I'd expect to see an initial list during or shortly after ICAS.
Thanks, Sean. I'll watch for the release.
They are spectacular, hoping the come to Abbottsford, B.C.
I would like to see them and look forward to seeing where they will be flying at.
Pretty sure I heard they will be at AirVenture at KOSH
The Red Arrows are good, flying their trainers in quite formation at 150 knots is very fascinating but (yawn) wake me up when the big jets take the airspace. Thunderbirds and Blue Angles - best air shows in the world - loud, fast with precision flying-nothing better
Prepare to be amazed, “The Reds” will knock the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels into a cocked hat. Their level of precision flying is undeniably the Best in the World, bar none. And count them, 9, within inches of each other;
I cannot wait.
i tend to disagree that they will be better than Blue Angels but anyhow...
It’s all a matter of humble opinions of course, but can the Angels do a 9-abreast barrel roll? Oh hang on, there’re only 6 of them....
yes it is a matter of opinions.. but the Blue Angels don't need 9 of them to show off how good they are.
Really? it as thou there are no other aero acrobatic teams or have you forgot about Canada's Snowbirds..count them..flight to the venue, 11 of them within inches of 1 another..9 in the please.


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