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Audio/Video: Aircraft Icing Near Disaster

ATC Audio of Near Crash from Icing with some various Icing Pictures. This is why you never fly in known icing unless 100% qualified for it. ( 기타...

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The use of your autopilot is not a good Idea when in visible moisture and a temp. of + or - 5 deg cel. She side, I now have the a/p on. If you use your A/P monitor IAS, power settings and AP. trim indications closely. The controller should have given Heading to closest A/P and priority.
surprised that she wanted to continue on with more rain ahead once you beat the reaper dont give him a second shot.
We all know about icing, but until you hear this kind of experience it's hard to imagine how much fun it isn't. Out west the MEA's preclude going down intentionally; a double dose of no fun.


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