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KAL A380 Service Begins at Los Angeles

The Airbus A380 is the stretch limousine of jumbo jets, a double-decked behemoth that can comfortably seat about 500 passengers. But the airlines that fly the massive jet out of Los Angeles International Airport, or hope to fly them soon, have different ideas for arranging the seating and other amenities in the plane. Qantas, for example, began in 2008 to fly the plane out of LAX with 450 seats in a design that includes four sections: first class, business class, premium economy and economy. The… ( 기타...

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Anyone know how many flights a week?
All the other flights listed are 773ER's. Was this a one time deal? Trial Run?
not sure... they had it listed the other day that KAL17 and KAL18 were going to be permanent A380 routes...
not sure... they had it listed the other day that KAL17 and KAL18 were going to be permanent A380 routes...


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