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Cessna Makes Emergency Landing At KMKC

KANSAS CITY, Mo.-- A single-engine plane made an emergency landing at the Charles Wheeler Downtown Airport in Kansas City late Wednesday afternoon after reporting landing gear failure. ( 기타...

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Here is the flight:
preacher1 0
Something makes absolutely no sense. Article says he was flying from Dodge City to Liberal but went to KC for proper equipment. That's 300 miles and passing Wichta, Salina and Topeka, besides dropping South into Oklahoma or Texas.
David Sims 0
MKC is Flight Express's home base. Most of their pilots will opt to return home with a gear issue than be stranded elsewhere, as long as they have the fuel onboard to do so.
I found that kind of weird too. Looking at the activity log on FlightAware, I noticed that it originally said it was going from Dodge City to Wichita before being diverted to Kansas City.
preacher1 0
Well, that makes more sense
jchpa32 0
Flight Express has a base there, that is probably why he went there.
You are correct, they do have a base there. I figured that is why he decided to go to KC. After all, it wasn't an engine failure or anything.
Chris Owen 0
According to Flight Aware he is already headed back.
I wonder if the assigned FLX720 to a new plane, or if they already got it repaired and flying again.
David Sims 0
Flight Express uses the same flight number for the route, not aircraft. The accident aircraft is in the shop still.
Thanks! I figured that is what happened, but I couldn't speak for sure. That would have been an amazing turnaround to have it flying again.
Lee Burk 0
A Cessna 219? The media rarely gets anything right about aviation. What if they did made the same mistakes with cars and trucks? A Ford Suburban or a Chevrolet F150.
I noticed that too......they never could quit get the landing gear right and that is why they stopped believe flight express uses 210s/
Carlos Bea 0
A good airplane,kinda slow,yet still fun to fly.
jchpa32 0
I believe Flight Express has a base there. That may be why he went there.


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