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Radio Communication between ATC and a MU2 in Severe Icing (Part 1)

Very sobering radio communication between ATC and a couple of MU 2 pilots in severe icing over mountainous terrain--in night IMC. Props and airframe ice up as the MU2 begins to lose altitude and groundspeed. Something to keep in mind as freezing levels drop and icing season approaches. Part 2 is here: ( 기타...

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dbaker 0
Thanks for sharing...the first video is pretty mundane but it gets pretty intense in part 2:
vanbess 0
Rod Machado has this on his IFR dvd
Great video, very scary event!
mark tufts 0
listened to both parts one and two and it was scary but thank god they made it down safely
zennermd 0
It seems hard to find words to describe what they went though, and in the clouds.
Ben Lillie 0
You could hear the pilots voice getting stressed.


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